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The lady or the tiger?

The Lady or the Tiger starts with a semi-barbaric king who builds an arena to test trial. Instead of any arena it has a door the convicted enters through and on the other side there are two doors. One has a tiger and one has a maiden. If they open the door with the tiger they are guilty and die. If they open the door with the maiden they are free and get married. The doors are randomly scrambled each time.

The princess of this king fell in love with a young peasant. The king did not approve and put the young in the arena. The princess knew which door had which because her curiosity took over and using her money and beauty helped her bribe her way into seeing who was behind each door. The king proud of breaking them up knew that either door the princess would lose. The young looked at the princess and the princess signaled the right door. Which was behind that door the lady or the tiger?

My class and I have all come up with our story on how it ended. Some of us even drew pictures. Here is my story.

The darkness surrounds him as he carefully looks up. His heart beating as his legs feel limp. A deep breath as he opens the door on the right. The moon shining on the ground. The whisper of the wind. The munch of the mud. The world revolves around this moment. The door creaks open as time seems to stop. His heart stopped, his eyes blinked. He sees a wave of black hair and smiles in joy as he dreams of his maiden appearing. How he could live a good life. He realizes slowly as he blinks open a tiger swarms out his black stripes and roars. 

The tiger ferociously murders him as the crowd is astonished. The king was pleased. Malicious deep death in the arena the tiger is victorious. The man dead. The daughter seems to understand this and cries. Her father smiles again knowing that switching the doors was the most wise decision. He won. The princess seeing her love die. It was a deafening sight. Well except for the crowd who clapped at the entertainment.

The princess looks up at her father seeing him proud. And knows what happened. The maiden in the other door screams as she hears the sounds of ferocious feeding. She looks down and cries. The princess, mad at her father, takes a sip of her drink and sighs a huge sigh.

The following day the princess finds the young standing at her window as if he ascended from heaven. She magically walks towards him and flies up above with him. Her father finds her missing and understands the mistake he has made. He shall let the rest of his children choose whoever they may like in the future. 


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